How Do I Become a Product Reviewer?


Hi John,

I was wondering if you could help me with your industry insights. I'm looking to review car accessories like GPSs, cameras, cleaning products, phone accessories etc.

Any suggestions for suppliers who would supply a range of these products short of contacting the individual companies directly? Any info will be greatly appreciated.




Hi Simon,

Your options are: Find a major retailer who sells most of the products. Locate their PR or marketing manager (might be the same person). Explain what you want to do. Borrow one product, review it, repeat. Major electronics retailers like JB HiFi, Jaycar, Dick Smith, etc., are all likely to have established product review relationship management channels.

Alternatively, approach individual importers directly.

In both cases it will be essential to demonstrate that you have credible outlet(s) for your reviews. If you don't have these, perhaps you can review some products you or your friends own, and use these as a portfolio before you approach these people and be told to go away because you're not actually a reviewer - yet.

Bear in mind that manufacturers will try to pressure you into writing only positive reviews. (The car industry does this all the time.) It's your job, however, to provide valid critical comment as well. Your audience is the audience, not the person who lends you the review product. You're providing an service to the audience, not the manufacturer.

One way to attempt to keep both parties happy is to review only the best products - fewer critical insights this way. 


John CadoganComment