Am I getting the best price on my new car?
Hello John,
Let me start by saying, I love your no nonsense outlook on the automotive industry.
I made an enquiry a few months back in regards to the price I was quoted by a particular Ford dealership. Following some extensive homework and visiting about five dealerships - some in my local area, some recommended to me, and ones prominent on social media - I was ultimately offered a drive away price for a 2022 next-gen Ranger Raptor of $90,000. This price was confirmed by your AutoExpert team as being good value.
Your team member stated to me that if this is indeed legitimate deal, that I should accept said offer, which I did. This has been the lowest quoted sales price I was able to get, and based on prices thrown around on those social media groups (which I know should be taken with a grain of salt), seems to be a genuinely good price.
Now, I am not an expert car purchaser, I happen to be a trauma nurse in the operating theatre. But I have purchased many new cars and used cars from dealerships in my life, nine to be exact. I feel I make good, informed decisions and do my due diligence when making such a big purchase like a motor vehicle. And let me say, this new Ranger Raptor will top out my list of most expensive purchases I have ever made. And I do not dare share this with my father, another seasoned car purchaser, as I fear he would want to slap me silly for contemplating such a pricey purchase.
But I was wondering if I would be able to share with you my purchase contract, so that you could see if I am being bent over the coals and being given a good rogering – so to speak. I would expect you know how to see through their tactics and know a good deal when you see one, or at least one that isn’t causing the dealer principle to laugh all the way to the bank.
Thank you John and kind regards,
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Hello Paul,
Thanks for the work you do in the emergency department. Not many people could cope with that. (As a journo I followed a young kid who suffered a cardiac tamponade in a car crash, into Emergency, then up into the operating theatre and watched some very talented people save his life. #respect.)
With that in mind, I think you’re over-thinking this. Like, if the trauma director and the cardio-thoracic registrar both independently tell you you’ve got a cardiac tamponade, and an ultrasound confirms it, you’ve got one. Conclusively. This is that.
You’ve been to five dealerships. We’ve also investigated and told you this is a great deal. (Lots of people bullshit us on the price they’ve got. Our response in these cases is: 'Take the deal you’ve been offered - it’s too good to beat.’) I’m not saying we thought you were bullshitting us. I’m saying the price you got is good enough to be a bullshit ploy buy an A-grade, time-wasting ’shopper’.
If we did that ultrasound on the contract, it would show us that you’ve got a good deal in front of you. (The only thing that matters is the all-up price. How they arrive at that price is a matter for the seller.)
My advice: Just take it, dude. There’s nothing more to discover here. You appear to have done very well, in a market that’s constrained by demand exceeding supply. Enjoy the car when you get it. Don’t let your dad find out - perhaps that’s the biggest challenge yet to be addressed. Don’t get CTE when he finds out...
John Cadogan
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